Movie night

By insomniac x2 - 15/08/2013 19:56 - Mexico - Garza Garc

Today, I was watching The Ring on TV in the early morning. When the scene where the girl is crawling out of the TV came on, my dad grabbed my shoulders from behind me out of nowhere, causing me to shriek like a little bitch. I don't know how long he waited to do that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 732
You deserved it 8 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rosebudx 32

Having someone scare you in the middle of a terrifying film is one of those things that has to happen sometime in your life. You'll look back on it and laugh, I promise.


I commend him for his patience. Parents live for that shit, it's actually a parenting rule that at some point you have to make your kid lose their potty training temporarily.

BellaBelle_fml 23

My husband has already started practicing on me for his parental duty of scaring the piss out of our future children, and I'm not even pregnant yet. He has the ability to scare me so easily and I can never seem to get him back. It's just not fair, lol. And he has informed me that it will be his number one priority to make me pee myself at least once a day while I am pregnant. I love that man.

Lol got yourself a keeper. Any man willing to work that hard and long for his woman truly loves her.

Soniye 14

Lol I live for these moments !! I do it to my son when we watch scary movies xD it's so funny and he falls for it all the time.

My dad did the same thing only I was watching Halloween and he dressed up as Mike Myers full costume and all......

I haven't seen Halloween but somehow I thought your dad dressed up as Shrek :D

xplainphrox 8

Ohhhmyygosshh I'd of flipped out! Screamed and probably wet myself AND had a heart attack!! I scare the bajeebers out of my kids as much as I can... My 17 yr old hates it! :) I love it. Haha

You probably got a lot of thumbs down just for that "Ohhhmyygosshh." I wanted to punch you as soon as I read it.

cottoncandymango 17

He waited his whole life for this moment.

It's ok to be scared once in a while, lets you know you're alive.

I did that to my nephew with pyramid head from silent hill 2. It was so worth standing there super silent for 20 minutes.

You watched it to get scared and he just added the cherry to the fear. Well done dad!

A good scare can be worth a lifetime of delight, so his wait was well worth it.