Management 101

By Anonymous - 22/07/2021 04:01 - South Africa

Today, I got a call from the bank, telling me my mom's company is going broke. She's been on holiday for a month, and I had been appointed to manage it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 941
You deserved it 198

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You've been installed as a scapegoat to take the blame and the fire while she's on the run, em holiday.

On the plus side, you ran her company into the ground so fast, it won't be a going concern long enough to hold annual performance reviews. Yours was going to be quite lousy this time.


On the plus side, you ran her company into the ground so fast, it won't be a going concern long enough to hold annual performance reviews. Yours was going to be quite lousy this time.

You've been installed as a scapegoat to take the blame and the fire while she's on the run, em holiday.

Warp1978 15

Get a lawyer, you can refuse to run the company if you feel that you don't have the necessary skills to do so. In this case being a scapegoat

randybryant799 20

Companies don't really go broke that fast. She must have known before she left that it was in trouble.