Keeping it in the family

By Anonymous - 12/10/2021 15:01 - Jordan - Amman

Today, my dad tried to hook me up with someone. It wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't my cousin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 907
You deserved it 83

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If marrying your cousin was good enough for Einstein, it's good enough for you. How many theories of relativity have you come up with? That's what I thought. Now, go to your wedding with very few strangers.

Then again, it was also good enough for Rudy Giuliani. Is OP willing to flip that coin?


If marrying your cousin was good enough for Einstein, it's good enough for you. How many theories of relativity have you come up with? That's what I thought. Now, go to your wedding with very few strangers.

Then again, it was also good enough for Rudy Giuliani. Is OP willing to flip that coin?

ILikeBigMugs 6

I was gonna ask if you were Middle Eastern and then I saw your location. Sounds about right