Make it stop

By ITSnotFUNNYtoMEass - 25/05/2009 08:54 - United States

Today, my mom talked about how it's interesting how there's so many different size of penises. She also told me that since she's doing hormone therapy she's able to orgasm a LOT more. We were stuck in stop and go traffic for three hours. When I turned on the radio, she turned it off and talked more. FML
I agree, your life sucks 92 214
You deserved it 5 514

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should have said "yea i agree"! and gotten into a deep discussion with she'll feel really awkward too! haha


Belldandy911 0

Oy, that sucks so bad. FYL. Ugh.

jcov2454 0

3 hours?? damn i woulda ducked a rolled after like 20 minutes. catch a bus and ill see u at dinner mom

A bit extreme, but at least it's not the other extreme. She's not following you around everywhere and preventing you from getting laid.

so you're embarassed about your mom's human needs? just because she's your mom, doesn't mean she can't have a healthy sexual appetite. I'm sure she wouldn't be telling you, if she knew you weren't mature enough to handle it.

If you're a female... its not that bad. If you're a guy.... dude I'm sorry... weirdest conversation ever

People need to get over this sort of thing. Of course your parents have sex--how do you think YOU got here? I don't find it much weirder than talking to a friend about sex.

Manda777 0

wow thats ackward... if ur a guy that sux rly bad, but i wish i had an open relationship like that with my mom... i feel ackward talking about just guys in general... talking about masturbating?

justxdream 0

haha my mom always brings up awkward conversations or yells at me in the car. it sucks cause you can't get away. i feel your pain.

if my mom were to talk about that id be scarred for life. FYL indeed.

Wow sounds like your mom was the town bicycle! Every one gets a ride!