Make it stop!

By guttedgirl - 04/06/2011 11:35 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out my ex-boyfriend's band has become quite popular on YouTube. My friends and sister won't stop singing their songs. Most of them were written after I dumped him, and go on to say how much better off he is without me and how horrible I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 387
You deserved it 23 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments


suggest he submits to "America's got talent" YouTube auditions :p but that sucks OP

that happened to me once wait no it didn't your life sucks

tbone666 0

what's their channel name??

sassyangel24 0

I wouldn't worry too much with all those faggy bands out there it's really hard to get noticed these days. unless your ex boyfriends band is original (they don't seem original) they won't get very far with record labels and tours. but good luck to them anyway

Leatherandlace 0
stallion2521 0

and that's why there's this thing called copyrights... but I'm just saying

mrmerino 0

every band needs a Thelma Pickles!

candychick204 0

wats yhur ex's band name????????