Make it stop!

By guttedgirl - 04/06/2011 11:35 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out my ex-boyfriend's band has become quite popular on YouTube. My friends and sister won't stop singing their songs. Most of them were written after I dumped him, and go on to say how much better off he is without me and how horrible I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 387
You deserved it 23 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments


perdix 29

You should probably get a job at a pizza place. Being surrounded by cheese will ease the pain of letting go of a millionaire. I heard Adele's ex-boyfriend, who was the dick that inspired all her sad songs, wants a share of her earnings because he was an asshole. Maybe you ought to try that strategy, too, asshole.

oglefro 6

Im reminded of boy meet world, where eric dated the sunshine girl, then he dumped her than she found her edge

ohhheyythere91 4

She turns on TV, guess who she sees, Skaterboy rockin' up MTV.

so get somebody else on youtube to turn him into a ridiculous, embarrassing internet meme.

kkspears 0

I'm sorry. But I need to know the band

Lol start trolling their videos for fun XD

eff5 0

what do you expect, some of the greatest songs you've ever heard are based on girls that dumped the lead singer