Major Regina George vibes

By Partypoopermom - 23/12/2021 11:01

Today, our family dog passed away. My 16 year-old daughter had a tantrum over us cancelling her 16th birthday trip, because, “the stupid dog picked the perfect day to die.” She says she’s going on the trip “with or without us.” She actually went. With her friends. What do they see in this sociopathic brat? FML
I agree, your life sucks 530
You deserved it 1 610

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slkeithh 14

It is absolutely a very sad event. But canceling her birthday trip because of it sounds very extreme, and you calling your own child a sociopath is also horribly extreme. Do better.

She might just grieve differently from you and want to go on the trip to take her mind off things. You’re a Richard for trying to force her to drop everything and fit into the method and time of grief you’ve decided on.


Boyufd 24

I don't blame her. I get that it was a family pet but couldn't you just have picked a different day to grieve?

VnD 12

Maybe you don't know how grief works, you don't "pick" a day to grieve, Lord have mercy!

She might just grieve differently from you and want to go on the trip to take her mind off things. You’re a Richard for trying to force her to drop everything and fit into the method and time of grief you’ve decided on.

slkeithh 14

It is absolutely a very sad event. But canceling her birthday trip because of it sounds very extreme, and you calling your own child a sociopath is also horribly extreme. Do better.

kitten79TX 5

It's a dog. She's your daughter. She had probably been looking forward to this trip for a long time, and you decided the dog was more important than her. She has a right to be mad. She's not a sociopath just because she didn't love the dog as if it were a person. But you're a jerk for making this more important than your daughter. It was her sweet 16 birthday trip. You didn't have to cancel the trip. In fact, taking the trip, and focusing on family would probably have been a good idea to get the rest of the family's mind off of things. People's priorities are screwed up when they put pets above actual family members.

Op, you should have stuck fido in the freezer and gone on the trip. Sorry for you loss. I can't imagine people telling you you should have done the trip have ever had to deal with a pet passing. One that has been a member of the family every bit as long and sometimes longer than their human children

I know I'll get shamed for saying this but you're the brat for putting an animal ahead of your child. You chose to give life to her, she is your priority.

I get that a pet is also a cherished member of the family and your daughter should have acknowledged the dog's death differently. However, surely you must know she reacted that way out of disappointment about her cancelled trip rather than apathy about the dog's death. The way *you're* behaving makes it seem like you love the dog more than your daughter. She can sense that and refuses to put up with it. Who calls their daughter names on social media? Bet this isn't the first time and that you never did that to the dog. FML and YDI.

You put the your sadness for a dead dog ahead of your daughter's happiness so your daughter is putting you in the dog house rightfully so.

randybryant799 20

She's 16. You really expected her to cancel her trip? I think that's rather unrealistic.