Love is…

By Anonymous - 30/09/2019 14:00

Today, I went to a job interview. At the end of it, after I had got the job, my new manager said, “See you soon.” I then accidentally replied, “You too, love you.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 438
You deserved it 383

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rotflqtms_ 21

You don't know how many times I have to bite my tongue so I don't accidentally say that at work. like I'm super cautious every time I say bye not to add I love you or anything. Don't worry, it happens. Laugh it off. Admit your mistake if you feel like it. "Oh crap, I'm used to saying I love you after that." I'm sure no one will think you're weird.

Sady_Ct 37

Hope you still get a start date and you don’t end up feeling too awkward about it all.


Sady_Ct 37

Hope you still get a start date and you don’t end up feeling too awkward about it all.

rotflqtms_ 21

You don't know how many times I have to bite my tongue so I don't accidentally say that at work. like I'm super cautious every time I say bye not to add I love you or anything. Don't worry, it happens. Laugh it off. Admit your mistake if you feel like it. "Oh crap, I'm used to saying I love you after that." I'm sure no one will think you're weird.

that is some funny shit right their but dont feel to bad your not the only one has done that

Sonotsuave 35

Just laugh it off and apologize, saying you’re used to saying that often to your family/friends. Then follow it up with a professional exit and start doing exceptionally well at the job so that it’ll blow over soon

Welp. You have absolutely 0% chance of getting that job now. If there’s one thing I know about job interviews, it’s that if you make even ONE mistake, your application goes straight to the shredder.