Looks good

By Anonymous - 12/08/2009 20:12 - Denmark

Today, I got stung by a bee. On my eyelid. I'm allergic so it's swollen up so much, I can't even open my eye. Tomorrow is the first day of a new prestigious school. I either have to go to school wearing an eye-patch or walk around looking like a monster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 829
You deserved it 3 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shock98 0

wear an eye-patch. they'll think you're super badass.


Autumnatic 0

that sucks. go pirate though!

amaneylandx3 0

bring sexy back with the eyepatch. own it! :)

dude wear the shit out of that eye patch:D

Haha, this reminded me of The Goonies "HEY YOU GUUUYYYYSSS!!!"

Jessaly_fml 0

Wear an eye patch, you'll make a lot of friends with the attention. I'd befriend someone wearing an eye patch.

aww man i remember when that happened to me..i was covering my eyes with my hands

Kupokupupo 0

you could just wear glasses with tinted lens or something... and before class just tell the teacher that you got stung by a bee

use a penny my grandmother told me when you get stung to put a penny on it I told my dad what my grandmother told me and he used a penny when he got stung. I'm not sure how it works, but it does. I think you're supposed to hold it on the sting for like 10 minutes or so. I don't really care to research it. Just thought I'd share it with everyone. If I get stung you can bet I'll be using a penny.

girlwhoactshigh 0

i hope you wore the eyepatch it will make you look bad assed. But if you didnt YOU SHOULD HAVE!!!