Looks good

By Anonymous - 12/08/2009 20:12 - Denmark

Today, I got stung by a bee. On my eyelid. I'm allergic so it's swollen up so much, I can't even open my eye. Tomorrow is the first day of a new prestigious school. I either have to go to school wearing an eye-patch or walk around looking like a monster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 829
You deserved it 3 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shock98 0

wear an eye-patch. they'll think you're super badass.


ghostgirll 0

go with the eyepatch, definitely. at least people will ask you what happened instead of seeing your eye, being disgusted, and not even wanting to know.

u should do both, wear an eye patch on the wrong eye, then theyll wonder how bad ur other eye is and u get out of working because u cant see

Go with the eye patch. Pirates are way cooler than monsters.

robinhoood 0

Go with the patch. It'll look distinguished and interesting :)

lacedheadbands 0

Go with the eyepatch, they're badass. Also, tell everyone your name is Snake.

"Oh no, I have to go to a nice school. With this injury, people won't be attracted to me until the swelling goes down." That sucks dude, having a nice education is the worst. But all sarcasm aside, go with the eyepatch. Make sure it's a legitimate pirate style one that has a string around your head, none of this new sticky shit.

how were you able to type this then? lol..

how were you able to type this then? lol..

He still had one eye, you douche. And OP, go dressed as a pirate. The whole nine yards. Get a hook, black pants, striped shirt. Bandana, some bling, and a Captain pirate hat, if possible. It'll be a great way to make friends since you're new to the school. :P :P

I wish I could favourite that comment. lmao.

samman92 1