By Anonymous - 05/04/2012 01:41 - United States - Lindale

Today, I started my brand new job. I was late because while repairing my favorite pair of high heels, I got Superglue in my eye. They had to scrape my cornea and I have to wear an eye patch. I'm now the "New pirate" in the office. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 801
You deserved it 20 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LaColombianita 26

That sounds very painful! But pirate isn't that bad of a nickname.. At least they didn't call you cyclops or something like that lol.


#1 That's probably the sound she made when she got the superglue in her eye! Don't you love irony?

#1 That's probably the sound he made when she got superglue in her eye! Don't you just love irony?

I bet the old pirate is so happy to have you in the office now!

waresjake 3

Yo ho a pirate tis thee, You are a pirate!!

shanemaximo 7

The boss was probably impressed seeing what length you go to in order to really sell an excuse for being late.

RochelleRedvines 8

I wish I had an excuse to wear an eyepatch.

LunaDragon 10

That's badass, I wish I could be pirate!

LaColombianita 26

That sounds very painful! But pirate isn't that bad of a nickname.. At least they didn't call you cyclops or something like that lol.

Torva_fml 16

Just thought of buttsexpirate, lol. :)

This has to be made up, how would you get the glue in your eye of all places? Fingers yes, eye no.

dbt88 15

I wondered too. Sucks anyway but still wondering.

To reword my moderated comment, I was wondering how somebody would get Superglue in their eye, as fingers seems normal, eye less so.

You know you were late. Technically they can fire people for tardiness, at least that didn't happen. I'd prefer the eye issues and a nickname then no job.

Most employers give some consideration for extenuating circumstances, and I think this one qualifies.