By LALALA3 - 16/02/2009 23:20 - United States

Today, I finally gave the guy I was with for over a year a blowjob. Right after he tells me "I don't want a girlfriend but I want you to be my best friend." FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 910
You deserved it 10 014

Same thing different taste

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WoAhAnNa123 0

...yeah its way to late now!

I don't think that was a determining factor in getting rid of her, and if it was then he doesn't deserve her.

JocelynKaulitz 28

FYL for sure, that must've been the worst BJ in the history of mankind

threefitty25 0

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Kiebland 0

You should've bit down when he said that.

alphatoomega 21

He didn't say it until "right after", which means she wasn't blowing him when he said it. Learn to read.

what a douchbag. i hope you then told him what a great idea that was cuz he could never satisfied you and youre sick of his shit. or elbowed his nuts

tell him you give even better ******** to boyfriends... and the next time he is still asking for some... bite right through it

#17 clearly he didn't break off their relationship over not getting head as she'd just finished sucking him off. On the length of time, it depends on how old they are - if 14 then fine to wait a year, if 18...

Hiimhaileypotter 52

If they've been together for a year and are 14, it's okay for her to blow him? What the ****? No. 14-year-olds are not mature enough for that shit, even if they think they're in love (and this is coming from the 17 year old who has been with her boyfriend for 4 years, we are still virgins). And even if they're 18, I see no reason why she can't wait. If a guy (or girl) doesn't respect the other persons' sexual decisions, they aren't worth it anyway.

crazycar 0

Sorry sweety. I have to agree with the guys on this one. You sholda blew him a long time ago. At least that way you coulda spared urself the wasted time.


don't feel bad, happened to me too.

RuSerious81 2

You waited a year to give a guy a ********? I'm confused...