
By busted - 22/09/2012 21:45 - United Kingdom

Today, I told my parents that I have a boyfriend. I was answering their questions about him, when my dad cut me off mid-sentence. He accused me of lying through my teeth, and said I'd based him off a character from a Harrison Ford movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 496
You deserved it 3 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I see no proof that you didn't. But then again, who doesn't like Han Solo?


Damn, #40 beat me to the twilight joke! Well look at this way Op, at least it was Harrison Ford. Personally, I would have chosen Legolas or Aragorn from Lotr:)

Well if your bf is real, isn't that a compliment?

Maybe he based himself off of a Harrison Ford movie.

PhishloverA 14

Similar thing happened to me. I told my dad I have a girlfriend and he accused me of basing her off one of the main characters from hairspray. To make things worse he thought it was the male actor (I forgot who it was) who dressed as a woman

Epikouros 31

How can anyone forget Divine? I had a girlfriend who looked like her, too.

Since OP's name is "busted," I'm gonna say her dad's right and YDI!

pregnantpianist 2

Better have been Han Solo. Indiana Jones is amazing too though. God, I love those characters. I can't pick between them.

I once was describing my girlfriend to my dad and he accused me of describing Thing from the Addams Family. He wasn't too far off.

maybso 0

that story can go two ways either your dad thinks your lying cause he thinks your ugly or he thinks your boyfriend is probably a low life an couldnt be that badass