Let down

By heartbreakkid21 - 14/05/2009 15:22 - United States

Today, I was on a date with this girl I actually like. The date was going really well and it seemed like it would be a good night. While in the movie theater, I went to hold her hand and instead she gave me a hand shake and said, "You're so funny, I'm so glad we're friends". FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 179
You deserved it 5 614

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol, owned at least she was nice and took it in stride it could have been worse. She could have jumped back disgusted and screamed "WHAT THE HELL!? WHY ARE YOU TOUCHING ME!?! RAAAAAAAPPPPPEEEEEE!!!"

Sucks. Sounds like both of you had a different idea of what was going on...


FREINDZOWNED! sorry man that really sucks.

I bet you didn't tell her it was a date beforehand. You should remember to use the D-word so she's in no illusion of your intentions.

lacotuitblue 0

Welcome to the Friend Zone. Sorry, you can't get out of this place. Time to move on.

a girl you "actually like." as opposed to the other many girls who go on dates with you but you don't actually like?

bioclock 0

#23 They probably are aware of it, but they're not interested in the guys that hit on them. When a girl complains about not being able to find someone, it does not mean that they are so desperate that they will just go out with anyone; it means they have actual standards and can't find anyone that they feel meets them. Chances are, they don't want someone that says something like "Girls are retarded". The more you know...

for all you know she could be the one going Today, I went out with a guy I like. I was so nervous that when he reached out his hand to hold mine all I could do was giving him a handshake and saying "You're so funny I'm so glad we're friends". FML

alyssamarie218 0

did she know it was a date?

What? You didn't try the hole in the bottom of the popcorn trick?

That's actually not so bad. Perhaps she wants to be friend with you first and then have it develop into a relationship in the future? Don't give up man! :)