Know your place

By genderbender - 17/11/2010 01:21 - Reserved

Today, I went to the new gym I recently signed up for and started exercising in the men-filled weights room, despite being intimidated by them and the strange looks they were giving me. Workout over, I left the room and saw in front of me a door marked, "Women's weights room." Oh. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 950
You deserved it 27 051

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haha, if it makes you feel better I wouldda done the same... only I'm a guy

don't know what sort of gyms you go to lol


Veldan 1

If the roles were reversed and it was a man in the womens section he'd be arrested for being a peeping tom (probably regardless of whether or not he was actually peeping). Gotta love gender "equality" aka women get their way, men shut up or get punished.

My gym doesn't even have a women's weight room. FML.

arsh333 0

I hear the shake weight works best ;)

that's weird, at my gym there's only one weight room, so everyone can use it. I'm still intimidated if I'm the only girl, though. haha :]

Wow that's too bad. The thought had never occurred to me that there are gender-segregated weight rooms. It makes sense I guess, but I would probably have made the same mistake you did.

they should have shown you around before you joined.

Jeez, segregated weight rooms? I knew bathrooms were segregated but weight rooms? Seriously?

why would they gender specify a weight room?