By Anonymous - 21/11/2020 14:02 - United States - Pittsburgh

Today, as usual, my flatmate is so loud when talking face to face that my ears and head rattle. I can't say anything because how dare I suggest there's anything wrong with my roommate's hearing. Yet nobody else talks this loud. FML
I agree, your life sucks 837
You deserved it 120

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do you say flatmate and roommate? Did you declare independence from Britain right in the middle of writing this post?

tounces7 27

Keep claiming that you already told him a bunch of things that you didn't, and then just say that he must not have heard you, and that's on him.


Why do you say flatmate and roommate? Did you declare independence from Britain right in the middle of writing this post?

tounces7 27

Keep claiming that you already told him a bunch of things that you didn't, and then just say that he must not have heard you, and that's on him.

You should tell them to be more quiet.

So, nobody else talks that loud. Sounds like your roommate can hear just fine. He just has a loud voice.

you haven't met my husband or his family lol