Know your place

By genderbender - 17/11/2010 01:21 - Reserved

Today, I went to the new gym I recently signed up for and started exercising in the men-filled weights room, despite being intimidated by them and the strange looks they were giving me. Workout over, I left the room and saw in front of me a door marked, "Women's weights room." Oh. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 950
You deserved it 27 051

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haha, if it makes you feel better I wouldda done the same... only I'm a guy

don't know what sort of gyms you go to lol


I've never heard of a gym that separates weight rooms into 'male' and 'female' like, what the ****? Why would that even be needed? It's weight lifting, not like people are naked.

that's really weird. they shouldn't have segregated workout rooms xP

The gym I go to is completely unisex. Most people wouldn't even know there were separately gendered rooms!