Know your place

By genderbender - 17/11/2010 01:21 - Reserved

Today, I went to the new gym I recently signed up for and started exercising in the men-filled weights room, despite being intimidated by them and the strange looks they were giving me. Workout over, I left the room and saw in front of me a door marked, "Women's weights room." Oh. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 953
You deserved it 27 091

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haha, if it makes you feel better I wouldda done the same... only I'm a guy

don't know what sort of gyms you go to lol


haha, if it makes you feel better I wouldda done the same... only I'm a guy

It's surprising they didn't start clapping...

stephanie0613 0

Hahahah this is just too funny, hey atleast you were surrounded by a lot of men ;)

bauerd 0

many gyms have co-Ed weight room and a separate womens one so they can work out without the stares. never heard of an all male weight room. OP probably was fine where she was.

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Only if you lack basic reading comprehension skills.

stewpididiot 11

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C6Racer 0

It makes perfect sense. It may not be written perfectly, but anyone with a brain will be able to put it together.

it's bloody simple to understand. she's a woman, doing weights in an all male weights room. They gave her weird looks because obviously they were wondering what she was doing in there. She then finished her workout and saw a "Women's weight room" sign. FFS can't people think for themselves anymore. Don't blame someone else, just because you're slow.

#10, it must take a real moron not to be able to understand the OP. I can make it real simple for you in this quick summary: OP went in the wrong room. See how simple that was? If you want a more detailed explaination, please refer to 14 and enjoy looking like an idiot. Have a nice day.

Eh, he probably forgot to look at the noted gender when reading it and assumed op was a man.

TurboTalon 0

14 didn't clear it up at all lol. The way it's written makes it hard to understand where the sign was. To simplify, there were two weight rooms, one for each gender. OP went into the opposite one without realizing it until she left.

chogle 8

41, you just repeated what 14 said..

Sure it makes sense if they actually don't let females in that workout room... you can't spell sense.

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This was just too funny xD Haha They didn't tell you anything because they liked seeing you working out, so don't feel that bad ;D lol

Ohhh, smell all the testosterone...I bet that got you excited didn't it OP?

chelle_starlight 0

You know how you can overcome that? Become the intimidator!