Kitchen daydream

By Rordon Gamsey - 02/08/2022 16:00

Today, I was "that idiot" who spent ages making a soup stock from meat and vegetables, but then while separating it forgot to put a pan under the strainer, so I poured the finished stock down the sink, leaving me with only the boiled meat and veg sat sadly in the strainer. Takeaway chinese for tea, then. FML
I agree, your life sucks 773
You deserved it 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like you are not being sufficiently punished. If Chinese food is the consequence for ******* up, I'd "**** up" a lot. I'd sign up for General Tso's army in a heartbeat if it means getting his chicken as rations.


Sounds like you are not being sufficiently punished. If Chinese food is the consequence for ******* up, I'd "**** up" a lot. I'd sign up for General Tso's army in a heartbeat if it means getting his chicken as rations.