Classic brain fart

By Anonymous - 19/04/2021 05:30 - Australia - Ballarat

Today, I lovingly simmered a chicken carcass, vegetables and spices to make soup. Two hours it took. After all that, I mindlessly strained out the chicken bones and let the soup pour straight down the sink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 114
You deserved it 591

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm so sorry but if you saw someone do that on an episode of Friends.... You'd die laughing 😅 I hope you can at least laugh through your tears, lol.

bleachedraven 14

All the time & effort! We all do absentminded things...I bet it would have been delicious.


How did that happen? And why wasn't the chicken in a cheesecloth bag? You take the chicken I'm guessing here the parts no one eats and bones into cheesecloth, tie it together use a piece of string to tie it together. Place in pot cook use a pair of tongs and take out the bag into a bowl. If a whole chicken do pieces of chicken same thing.

I'm so sorry but if you saw someone do that on an episode of Friends.... You'd die laughing 😅 I hope you can at least laugh through your tears, lol.

bleachedraven 14

All the time & effort! We all do absentminded things...I bet it would have been delicious.