Keep it clean

By germy germs - 01/07/2021 19:01 - United States

Today, my wife bitched at me for not washing my hands before handling the dishes. The dirty dishes. That were sitting in a sink of hot soapy water. According to her, the dirt from my hands was gonna make the dirty dishes even dirtier. Huh? FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 087
You deserved it 249

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Depends on what you were doing... If you just came from cleaning the litter box or changing a tire I wouldn't want that in my dish water either

i can kinda it, not as neat as her. but it's a small thing to do, so i would just do it to make her happy.. nobody likes to eat of things they don't think is clean.


Depends on what you were doing... If you just came from cleaning the litter box or changing a tire I wouldn't want that in my dish water either

Well they won't make the dishes any cleaner, will they?

i can kinda it, not as neat as her. but it's a small thing to do, so i would just do it to make her happy.. nobody likes to eat of things they don't think is clean.