By rubmytummy - 10/06/2009 21:12 - United States

Today, I was helping my church clean up a park. I was given a sledgehammer and told to break up a concrete picnic table so we could haul it off. About halfway through, I swung the sledgehammer REALLY hard, completely missed the table, and hit myself in the shin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 806
You deserved it 23 346

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Poonheart 0

That must have shattered your shin... -.-

justxmyxluck 0

I'm cringing just reading this. Well at least you didn't hit your crotch. That would just about kill you. =/


85 comments and no religious debate yet. HAY GUSY TEH WORD CHUCRH IS IN TEH POST FLAME ON

If you didn't shatter your leg, this isn't a FML, this is a HCISLIDSMSL. Holy crap, I'm so lucky I didn't shatter my stupid leg.

Oh wow thats so shitty..well you learned the hard way!

Trooth 13

you guys, absolutely NOBODY deserves to get hit in the shin with a sledgehammer. Can you imagine how much that must've hurt? Sorry op

Unless OP has really brittle shins, he wouldn't shatter it. Probably just a big bruise and a goose egg is all.

And they gave YOU, of all idiots, a ******* SLEDGEHAMMER? They should hve at least taught you how to do it safely.