Always wear protective gear

By Anonymous - 06/06/2020 14:02

Today, while nailing a board down, I hit my thumb with the hammer. As I reached to console my throbbing finger, I dropped the hammer on my foot. When I went down to hold my foot, I smacked my head on the board. Now I've got a concussion, a smashed finger, and a bruised foot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 650
You deserved it 667

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I doubt you have an actual concussion from smacking your head against the board, but that still sounds painful.


This is some loony toons shit right here...

I doubt you have an actual concussion from smacking your head against the board, but that still sounds painful.

Actually you can get a concussion from getting your head on a board if you hit your head hard enough or if you hit your head in a certain area. I have had enough of them growing up.

samomaha 17

And now you know what the Three Stooges felt like! Sorry for your pains, OP.

Are you a relative of the 3 Stooges, sorry for the bad day I know exactly how you feel

cosmic 9

Is your name Tim Taylor by any chance?

tounces7 27

Maybe you should stay away from stuff that involves working with your hands.

That's another fine mess you've gotten yourself into.

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