By PlsForget - 18/08/2016 21:47 - Canada - Vancouver

Today, I was volunteering at a neighborhood house tutoring a bunch of kids. Everything was going fine until one of them jumped on the table I was at, which broke and hit my knee. I swore in front of all the kids and my volunteer coordinator. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 664
You deserved it 1 293

Same thing different taste

Top comments

drayloon 50

Now that you've expose those poor innocent children to such despicable language, they're destined for miserable lives filled with sadness, anger, pain, and the word "****". Your careless utterance will be solely responsible for them not achieving anything in life, simply because you couldn't keep your mouth kosher. How dare you. Jus kidding, they'll be fine, they've probably heard far worse anyway lol

I used to tutor kids like you, until a table hit me in the knee


I used to tutor kids like you, until a table hit me in the knee

I wouldn't worry about it too much OP. I'm sure they've heard worse.

Unless they hadn't. No clue which words OP used.

drayloon 50

Now that you've expose those poor innocent children to such despicable language, they're destined for miserable lives filled with sadness, anger, pain, and the word "****". Your careless utterance will be solely responsible for them not achieving anything in life, simply because you couldn't keep your mouth kosher. How dare you. Jus kidding, they'll be fine, they've probably heard far worse anyway lol

If they hadn't heard whatever you said before, they'd have heard it sooner or later. Just so long as you didn't lose your job!

You were in pain and out of surprise, you swore. It was clearly an accident and those happen sometimes, so don't feel bad, OP! I hope you didn't get in too much trouble and as many others said, plenty of kids are exposed to swears at some point in their life, so I'm sure they didn't take damage. :) For you to be so embarrassed, it sounds like you're very serious about your volunteer work, so just keep doing your best and don't take it too much to heart!

Goblin182 26

I would have probably done the same thing.

...and strangled the little twerp. FML. right? that's how you meant to finish this, eh?

I'm almost positive they've heard worse at home. Shiiii

Honestly I think swearing is justified in this case. You had a table break on you, I'm sure anyone (including the kids) would have said the same. I'm sure you've taught them a lot of things but I doubt a swear word is one of them.

It can't be that bad cause those kids parents have had to cuss in front of them before like in the car is where I learned my first cuss word, my mom said one at least every time we were in the car so i grew accustomed to it