By Anonymous - 29/07/2019 22:00 - United States

Today, I had a rubber band around my wrist for too long, and it ended up leaving faint red marks around my wrist. My mom saw them, thought they were scars, and is now convinced I'm a cutter, "like the ones I've seen on the news," and won't believe my story. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 612
You deserved it 244

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, once it fades you'll have your proof and both probably have a good laugh over it. So don't stress to much.


minkyrose 1

I disagree. cutting is serious, and rubber band marks wear off. either you're not telling a complete truth, or your mother will be convinced you're not a cutter in the morning. scars don't shrink and go away in a day.

Darebearius 7

What exactly are you disagreeing with here? I'm sure op has common sense and wouldn't lie about it. Insinuating they're lying about it is off-standish.

Well, once it fades you'll have your proof and both probably have a good laugh over it. So don't stress to much.

I've been a cutter for a long time, never tried to go full circle around my wrist. What an odd thought. I'd say wait an hour to show her the faded lines, but she'll just think you're a magic healer...

Not uncommon for those trying to break or hide self harming to use a rubber band on the wrist. Be happy she noticed and is taking it seriously. Because if you were suffering, you’d most likely lie about it and not get help. Let her ease her mind and know you can actually talk to her about these things.