It's good for the planet

By Marcela - 18/03/2009 13:47 - United States

Today, I was taking a shower with my new boyfriend for the first time. Last night was the first night we spent together. As I was washing my hair, I looked down at my feet and noticed yellow water. Some of the warm water I felt on my feet was not from the shower head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 107 347
You deserved it 19 681

Same thing different taste

Comments I let my husband when we were dating pee all over me in the shower. i dont think its a big deal. then i just read #92s comment. looks like im gross or something then.

Based on #23's reasoning, you're a keeper if you let him do that. LOL So are you to keep him as a boyfriend? If so, you're a keeper! LMAO. Who cares if you're kind-hearted, intelligent, beautiful? You will let your man pee on your feet in the shower. Every guy wants you now. You're a keeper.

dg72592_fml 0

ok it is one thing that everyone pisses in the shower but its another thing that he did it with another person in there.... common sense, pissing is not sexy...

nikki1001 0

At least he didn't get it all over my bf does to me in the shower :[ But, like my bf always says, at least pee is sterile!

i have showered with my boyfriend many times and he has never done that he pees before he gets in there with me

Ender_ 0

Pee is sanitary...Get over it...

I had the same experience with one of my girlfriends...I'm a guy. At first, I was shocked, but I got over it. Think about it; you've already shared bodily fluids. A little piss near your feet while showering isn't going to hurt anything.