It's a valid lifestyle!

By annoyed - 17/09/2021 08:00 - United States

Today, my friends and I were finally able to meet up for lunch, amidst all of our busy schedules. We had fun talking and catching up about marriage, kids and careers. One friend decided to cause a huge scene though, because apparently we didn’t take her being a stay at home “dog mom” seriously. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 006
You deserved it 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is that supposed to be a joke, there's no such thing as a stay-at-home dog parent that just sounds like she's being lazy or crazy. LOL unless of course she runs a dog kennel or something.

Marcella1016 31

If I didn’t have a job but had a pet and no kids, I could see myself saying that as a stupid joke. But expecting people to take that seriously? Your friend is nuts and clearly has some issues lol


Is that supposed to be a joke, there's no such thing as a stay-at-home dog parent that just sounds like she's being lazy or crazy. LOL unless of course she runs a dog kennel or something.

I watched a legitimate courtroom recording of a woman attempting to take her ex to court because he was supposedly making significantly more money than he claimed, and wanted more support. Now get this, she KNEW this because while they are attempting to reconcile she discovered a massive pornographic collection which included pics and videos that he was in. She said that because of how many there were, he had to be making a ton of money. The judge said, well without any proof to the contrary, "I don't really have any reason to disbelieve how much money he says he is making. Now he did disclose how much he was making, and it IS more than he was previously, so his support order went up." The woman was not satisfied with this and complained she couldn't afford her bills. The judge asked if the woman worked and she said, "No, I have no desire to work. I live with my parents rent free. Why would I get a job? I deserve more support from him so I can live a more normal lifestyle, because he is making a ton of money." Now keep in mind this was a woman in her 40's.

Marcella1016 31

If I didn’t have a job but had a pet and no kids, I could see myself saying that as a stupid joke. But expecting people to take that seriously? Your friend is nuts and clearly has some issues lol

You really should have humored her. Ask about her fur baby's speech progress and its ability to walk upright. Then, pity her for having such a ******' r-word!

I think this post would be more accurate as a post from your friend. not you. after all, she caused the scene. which makes her look kinda like an attention needy, lonely and miserable dog mom, when she could have owned that and laughed with you about it.