Isn't that, like, a crime?

By notkatvond - 19/06/2013 18:46 - United States

Today, at my job at my tattoo parlor, yet another client offered to pay for his tattoo by "letting" me sleep with him. This client happens to be my boyfriend's best friend, whose girlfriend is having me tattoo his name on her wrist next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 271
You deserved it 4 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedFox12 7

Looks like he won't be her boyfriend for very long. What an arsehole.


My tattooist wont tattoo names of bf/gf husband/wifes names because she thinks its stupid thing to do which I agree!! Dont ever get your other half's name on you!!

as a tattoo artist and friend you have every right to tell her you wont do the tattoo. and as a friend you should tell her what he said.

94 - There's only one way I'd get any name tattooed on me - the person is dead, and it's in remembrance. Even then, I'd be more likely to get tattoos of a symbol. I'm getting one on each ankle soon to represent my grandparents - a thistle for my Scottish grandmother, and a poppy for my veteran grandfather.

meherm 11

Ladies this why you NEVER EVER get your partner's name tattooed onto your body. It will always backfire just like my bf's sister who is now stuck with a painful memory of her bf's name on her hand!

BlahhBlahhIDGAF 11

NEVER get someone elses name tattoed on you! Unless it close family

not sure why you would get a tattoo of someone's name

Tattoo a dick on him so everyone can see his true colors :D

94, children can choose to change thier names when they grow up. Saw it happen.

The person who does my ink refuses point blank to tattoo names of partners. Can only imagine how many blushes he's sparred

I disagree, 49. They could want the name of a friend or family member who died, the names of their parents or child, the name of someone who inspires them or encouraged them to do something big, the name of a beloved pet, etc. Personally, I'm thinking about getting my boyfriend's name tattooed on my ankle, not because I think we'll be together forever and it's romantic, but because we've been through a lot together, he's been there for me through some really hard times over the last 3 years, and I don't ever want to forget that even if I end up hating him someday. You don't get to just decide its dumb to get a name tattoo and not allow someone to do it. That's not your choice, especially when you don't even know why they want that name in a tattoo or whose name it is.