Isn't that, like, a crime?

By notkatvond - 19/06/2013 18:46 - United States

Today, at my job at my tattoo parlor, yet another client offered to pay for his tattoo by "letting" me sleep with him. This client happens to be my boyfriend's best friend, whose girlfriend is having me tattoo his name on her wrist next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 271
You deserved it 4 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedFox12 7

Looks like he won't be her boyfriend for very long. What an arsehole.


Quiet_one 22

You should tell his girlfriend what happened, or tell your boyfriend about it. Either way, someone needs to save this girl from making a huge, permanent mistake. Getting a living significant other's name tattooed on you is unwise in the best of times, but if he's already cheating/trying to cheat... in your situation I think I'd just refuse to do it. I'd rather lose a customer than knowingly give her a tattoo she'll regret very soon. She could still choose to get it done somewhere else, but at least you'd have a clear conscience.

"letting" you sleep with him?? waow. not only does he show no respect to you, your bf and his gf, but he sounds as if though he sees it as a priveledge to sleep with him.. what a jerk.