By sicksicksick - 19/06/2013 17:23 - United States - Lansdale

Today, I have pink eye in both eyes, the stomach virus, and a cold. I'm also sitting at work because my boss "doesn't believe in sick days." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 652
You deserved it 3 680

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm pretty sure you have a valid excuse here. Isn't this illegal in some way?

if you throw up on his desk, I'm sure he'll reconsider.


I'm pretty sure you have a valid excuse here. Isn't this illegal in some way?

perdix 29

#1, probably not. Workers' rights have been on the decline since Reagan crushed the air traffic controllers. The OP should be happy if the boss doesn't dock his paycheck for the cost of tissues used and excess toilet flushes.

Yea, isn't it like a health hazard or something similar?

Anai08 17

Even if this isn't illegal, it makes no logical sense for a company to make employees come in when afflicted with highly contagious infections. Now, when it spreads to his coworkers, several worker's productivity is severely impacted/lost for a week+, versus the two or three days of lost work from just OP. OP's boss is an idiot, but I'm sure the HR department would see things differently. I would recommend calling them OP (or anyone else ever in this situation).

peachesncreem 21

That has got be some kind of OH&S violation. We get sent home if we have a bad enough cough and runny nose in all of the jobs I've worked.

hailee_windmill 8

It probably is, but if it isn't, just help him see things your way, with pink eye, he'll definitly change his mind.

my fiance's job has something similar. even if it's spewing out both ends you need to go in abd the boss will judge if you're too ill to work. apparently people are taking the piss and phoning in sick too often so maybe it's something similar. although it's stupid to make OP stay in

#18, it's actually illegal in every single way. Those are highly contagious and can sit in the office therefore infecting it. It's now a health hazard and the office can be shut down entirely.

Well when all of your co-workers get sick, you'll know who to blame.

I wonder if she/he will get blamed for it instead of the boss? Or the boss will blame??

Yeah, that's freaking gross and pink eye is very contagious, not to mention his stomach bug! Gross. I hate it when people go to work sick, especially if the general population has to be around or touch items that you've contaminated.

well you know what they say, an unhappy worker is the best worker

@83 you sound like you'd make a perfect boss someday.. A real company man.

if you throw up on his desk, I'm sure he'll reconsider.

Proton21 7

Yes, sadly reconsider to fire her. There sadly isn't much op can do, and jobs are hard to find now a days.

My thought was to rub her eyes then go into his office and touch things so that the virus is then one him and maybe hell touch his eyes and infect himself with pink eye...... Maybe i just have an evil side but that would be my plan.....

ileenefudge 29

Yes but he might be one of those bosses that doesn't believe in sick days unless HE is the one that is sick..

As soon as your boss gets pink eye I'm sure he'll change his mind.

I've had pink eye a few times. Other than my eye feeling like it had sand in it, it wasn't that big of a deal. I stayed home only because I didn't want my co-workers to get it. I have the feeling the boss wouldn't care if "he spread it". Now that stomach virus? That might sway him to think different. I'd hate to have that and deal with public restrooms. :P

Ok sorry but I accidentally hit ydi. It won't let me unclick it either so ignore that 1.

Angelrose2004 17

Lol. Then just click fyl. That should even it out, right?

I'm pretty sure nobody cared that you clicked it...

tmillion123 3

oops I accidently clicked the dislike button

life_sucks225 13

oh i hate when that happens... but as #50 said i would just click fyl

I just said that because I was the first YDI, sorry for being part Canadian! (Sorry Canadians)

Don't use being part Canadian as a reason for your apology.....I wouldn't have apologized and when I walk down the street I don't hear "sorry eh!?" stop trying to assume stereotypes as reasoning. Like blondes making mistakes....when they say "ohhh sorry its cause I'am blonde" you'd look at them in a stupid way cause of their excuse

suboy 10

You should walk into their office and cough on everything then rub your eyes and give them a firm handshake. Then wait.....

Until the virus mutates and somehow turns everyone into zombies...hey it could happen.

just stay around him as much as possible

Pink eye is incredibly contagious. Go find a way to share it with him :) Then maybe he'll be "seeing" things your way >:D

I know this post is kinda old but I had pink eye before, and it was extremely hard for me to see. Everyone looked like shadows with random colors. I could barely recognize anything. I mostly had to go by the sound of everyone's voice. But I guess not everyone gets that bad?? OP's boss should have let him go. Before the pink eye got worse, perhaps?

perdix 29

You should hug your boss a lot today. See if you can sneak in some open-mouth kissing. In a week to ten days, he'll change his mind.

Makes me wonder how to " sneak in" open mouth kissing....

perdix 29

#15, here's one way: Get face to face with your boss. When he asks why you are so close, grab his dick, and when he opens his mouth in shock, latch on like a Lamprey Eel and plunge your tongue as deep as you can into his mouth. By the time he collects himself, you will have transmitted enough virus to get him thoroughly sick. Sounds like a plan? You're welcome :D

flockz 19

that gave me the weirdest boner ever.

92, you should probably have that looked at.