Impressive hairstyle

By Anonymous - 20/12/2019 20:00 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I went to the hairdresser and changed my hairstyle drastically. It wasn't until she was nearly done that she said, "I just KNEW this style wasn't going to suit you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 032
You deserved it 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ehh, it's always good to maybe ask for an opinion if you're doing a big change! The hairdresser should have maybe brought up an in-between look for you, and maybe changed even further if you were still happy with how it was proceeding. It's on both of you, but she's a jerk for saying it like that to you. They're suppose to suggest secretly and keep to themselves if you won't change your mind! Sorry OP.

The question here is did you ask for a specific style or did you all for advice first and she still gave you one that she thought wouldn't fit you? I'm either case, telling you your new hairstyle doesn't suit you after finishing is just unprofessional.


Ehh, it's always good to maybe ask for an opinion if you're doing a big change! The hairdresser should have maybe brought up an in-between look for you, and maybe changed even further if you were still happy with how it was proceeding. It's on both of you, but she's a jerk for saying it like that to you. They're suppose to suggest secretly and keep to themselves if you won't change your mind! Sorry OP.

The question here is did you ask for a specific style or did you all for advice first and she still gave you one that she thought wouldn't fit you? I'm either case, telling you your new hairstyle doesn't suit you after finishing is just unprofessional.

Even if the hairstyle doesn’t suit you that not your hairstylists decision to make( unless your getting something stupid like a Mohawk).

doesnt matter what you asked for or what she thought. her job is to please you not her self. basic customer service. if you like it then flaunt it girl!