By ElectroSpecter - 23/02/2019 14:00

Today, I went to get a haircut. I have a pretty bad case of dandruff, so whenever I get one, a lot of it shows. My hairstylist called to her nearby friend twice, then looked at my hair and said, "Blech" under her breath. I got glares when I walked out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 110
You deserved it 452

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TomeDr 24

Step 1: switch shampoo brands. Step 2: find a new stylist to go to. Those people were just plain rude!

As hairstylists, I'm sure they see people with dandruff all the time, so the reaction that they had was completely uncalled for as "professionals" who work with hair on a regular basis. Find a new hairstylist.


TomeDr 24

Step 1: switch shampoo brands. Step 2: find a new stylist to go to. Those people were just plain rude!

As hairstylists, I'm sure they see people with dandruff all the time, so the reaction that they had was completely uncalled for as "professionals" who work with hair on a regular basis. Find a new hairstylist.

unless they had to cut more dandruff than hair, because OP seems like they don't give a shit and just accepted their "fate in life" of having dandruff. if this experience doesn't shame them enough to actually do something about it, then I don't know what would motivate them to actually do something about it.

You might be reacting to your shampoo, possibly allergic. Don’t go with Head and Shoulders for dandruff, try Nizoral. It works very well and you only use it every week or two.

This one is alllll on you. Even if you're on a strict budget you can just buy anti-dandruff shampoo from a dollar store. That shit works.

Apple cider vinegar supposedly helps with dandruff. In the mean time, find a new stylist because that bitch was rude.

and smell like delicious pickles as well

Use some head & shoulders. Get a new hair dresser. Both problems are solved.