By sayhey22 - 09/01/2015 15:33 - United States - Sullivan

Today, my boyfriend bought a new toaster. It not only pops up the bread when done, it also beeps loudly. It makes me scream in terror every single time. My boyfriend has now vowed to "Toast 'til the end of time." It's going to be a long year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 148
You deserved it 4 472

sayhey22 tells us more.

It almost sounds like a broken fire alarm. It's a sketchy sound haha. I've progressed to just jumping when it happens

Top comments

You'll soon progress to the toast popping up into the air and you putting butter on it mid-air and catching it with a plate.


At least you'll be nice and toasty in the winter.

Nickb55 16

It's not a pun if you can't relate it to the said situation, people.

I thought the point of this site was to laugh at others misery not relate to it.

Destroy it before the toaster becomes self-aware and destroys us all.

Or place the toaster next to him when he sleeps, and enjoy a nice piece of toast.

foxmatrix15 8

I'd wait til he leaves the house and just toss it in the trash.

GrimReefer66 29

Haha props to the boyfriend, you'll probably get used to it. Although, I still jump when my toast is finished.

How loud can a toaster be, to make you scream in terror??

It almost sounds like a broken fire alarm. It's a sketchy sound haha. I've progressed to just jumping when it happens

You'll soon progress to the toast popping up into the air and you putting butter on it mid-air and catching it with a plate.

I suggest using a hammer to calmly beat the shit out of the toaster then lighting the broken remains on fire and finally mailing it to Mongolia.

Come now #23. That's not being very nice to the Mongolians.

Give it another week and you'll barely even flinch

bryce0110 23

Apparently autistic kids don't jump to sounds like that. Guess I'm lucky to never flinch to a random loud sound :P

Damn Mongolians!! Stop knocking down my shitty wall!

You Relationship status now reads "single"

biasedshooter 24

Why would you scream?... There's no danger or need to alert others, you should learn how to be surprised and not hurt everyone elses' ears

It's a sketchy noise and he never told me it made that sound when he bought it. And his ears are just fine. However, he has begun to do this while I'm sleeping. In our room. He will pay

OP must have misheard that old Battle of Bunker Hill saying: "Don't shout until you see the whites or the ryes."

wait...he's making toast in your room? That's a whole new level of weird...

gobiteme2 34

Have you looked at the instructions ! You should be able to turn the alarm off. Final resort use a big F**king hammer

SparksTheSadie 18

Tear it down. Rip the beeper off. Close it. Enjoy.