By awesomekidsmum - 18/09/2011 01:20 - Canada

Today, my five year old ran down the street wearing nothing but flip flops, Star Wars underwear, and a baseball helmet. He was swinging a badminton racket while screaming "THIS IS SPARTA!" My neighbors watched laughing as I had to run after him down the street in my pajamas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 762
You deserved it 9 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYLDeep 25

Just be glad you got to him right away. Sounded like he was about to **** some bitches up.


enonymous 8

Dayum. At least he was wearing protection.

yougotapes 7

Ahhh I love this!!! Story to tell when he gets older!

BellaBelle_fml 23

Most of the time the comments on an FML are funnier than the FML itself. But in this case, the FML is outstanding on it's own.


That isn't an FML that's hilarious! If I had a kid and he did that I'd give em' a high five and maybe some ice cream.

This is a sick FML in the aspect of this kid being ******* amazing.

22cute 17

I know, Really! Your kid is funny & probably has a future as a director. Lightent up, this is no FML more of a JATD or MLIA.

I like all the references to sport and movies. This must be a product placers dream

FYLDeep 25

Just be glad you got to him right away. Sounded like he was about to **** some bitches up.

Let's try to make this comment the most thumbed-down of any FML comment! Please thumb this comment down!

Your son is awesome. I'll bet there's never a dull moment with him around.

kaylee777 0

Dude, your neighbours suck.


If your son grows up to be anything like G.B., he won't have much trouble with the ladies.