By SGreene - 06/05/2017 20:00

Today, a storm dropped a tree across my road. I would have moved it with my tractor, but there was a tree on that too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 598
You deserved it 339

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's two, where is the third? They say bad things always happen in trees.


That's two, where is the third? They say bad things always happen in trees.

Vermonster94 1

I don't suppose you have another tractor?

They were conspiring together. Nature is fighting back!

Op here. So glad to see a non city Fml.

If you've got a tractor I'm assuming you have a truck? Perhaps your neighbors have tractors you could use to clear your road and rescue your tractor?

Neighbors were on the other side of the flooded creek. A friend of my sister who had a 4x4 came to help. It wasnt the worst storm we have had here but floodig and wind damage were reeking havoc on everybody.

Neighbors were on the other side of the flooded creek. A friend of my sister who had a 4x4 came to help. It wasnt the worst storm we have had here but floodig and wind damage were reeking havoc on everybody.

Well at least you were lucky enough, for someone up there to of saved you....I mean the tree could've landed on you??