Hungry eyes

By choldcreations - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was eating pizza with my girlfriend. She got sauce on the corner of her mouth so I tried to be sexy and lick it off. It wasn't sauce, it was a cluster of zits. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 456
You deserved it 42 042

Top comments

pineappleducki 4

how did you not notice it before she ate...?

pineappleducki 4


you ratard - I would have noticed a pizza sauces sized "cluster" of zits on my girlfriends face long before we sat down to eat. FYL for showing thousands of people on a random website you have earned the ratard of the week award. gratz.

@bmalley - Congratulations! You win the RETARD award of the week for spelling retard wrong! And here's your prize, a link to an online dictionary; May it serve you well in the future! :D

lmao #97, i so agree this FML is disgusting!!!! thats freakin gross!!!!

MF12 0

at first I thought it could have been a typo, but spelled it wrong twice! unacceptable.

it's possible they were referring to the movie the hangover.

i was gonna suggest that :) although, was it not ritard? anyway, i think we are being too kind to #95 in that they are in fact just maybe "ratarded". on a more important topic, the hangover is a horrendous film, no? it's like a long burp - funny at first, but after a while it gets... shit... and sometimes sore.

okay this nasty tell your girl to get some damn proactive blah!!!!

I want to know how awkward the conversation was after you did that...

I just puked..that's is sooo disgusting. Buy her proactive like everyone above said..

skittlesgirl2013 0

ohhh that's nasty... I would puke...

applz_fml 0

omg i just realized dat i found an fml that that damn snickerdoodle hasnt ruined yet yay me!!!!

How the **** is licking something off someone else's face sexy? It's not, it's just GROSS!