How very dare you?

By Anonymous - 18/04/2015 16:45 - United States - Oakland

Today, I went to the dentist for the first time in years. His first comment upon inspecting my teeth: "Meth. Hell of a drug." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 016
You deserved it 11 605

Same thing different taste


How long has it been? since, you used a brush for the last time.

I suggest finding another dentist perhaps lol.

Ava_Darkflame 26

kiiind of unprofessional...,

mwali02 32

This could have been a great illustrated fml! lol! Anyways, don't lose hope in oral hygiene. Follow your dentist's advice and recommendations. Brush, floss, and use mouthwash daily. Persistence is key! Also, if you are using meth, now is a great time to stop. Good luck OP! :)

Giving rude ass comments like that is not his job.

A dentist just like doctors can tell the damage caused especially to the teeth from meth. Best of luck with that.

if you chose to do the meth it's hard to feel bad for you. if you didn't actually do meth it's a different story

Still hard to feel bad for them because that means they just don't take care of their teeth. Either way a YDI.

kittynat 16

Would not want to see your teeth then because I've seen pictures of meth users teeth and they're disgusting...

The dentist could have been a little nicer about telling you but, maybe s/he was shocked?