How very dare you?

By Anonymous - 18/04/2015 16:45 - United States - Oakland

Today, I went to the dentist for the first time in years. His first comment upon inspecting my teeth: "Meth. Hell of a drug." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 016
You deserved it 11 605

Same thing different taste


YDI because either you kept your teeth extremely horrible. Or you do meth too much.

good hygiene is important. HYGIENE IN GENERAL IS IMPORTANT

gintwinsmoore 20

Damn...your teeth looks like you've been using meth???? ydi for not practicing proper oral hygiene, OP!!! Did you know that you could get heart disease from not practicing proper oral hygiene???

boydope420 8

This dentist is either a dick or a really funny guy

God forbid your dentist makes a joke. Oh how your life must suck.

Really wish OP would post a follow up...

Maybe you should take care of your teeth at home

YDI for not taking care of your teeth. Disgusting, op.