How very dare you?

By Anonymous - 18/04/2015 16:45 - United States - Oakland

Today, I went to the dentist for the first time in years. His first comment upon inspecting my teeth: "Meth. Hell of a drug." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 016
You deserved it 11 605

Same thing different taste


momac86 17

Meth mouth is AWFUL. I've seen it first hand as a hygienist. If your dentist honestly thought you had it, your dental hygiene must be none existent. YDI.

Quite a professional dentist I see…

I had my wisdom teeth removed and they didn't notice they chopped part of my tooth when removing them and so I got a hole in my tooth that no one knew was there even on X-rays till all of a sudden I had a hole in my tooth. I didn't need a root canal though :)

What the hell does that have to do with the FML?

if you do do meth,i suggest you stop.if you don't do meth and your teeth look like that,i suggest you brush your ******* teeth

Sometimes you just naturally have crooked/shitty teeth (like me). Not always someone's fault for having trouble maintaining good teeth

OP, only you would know whether it is a YDI or a FYL.

RockstarJAy 16

He needs to stop mething around.