How very dare you?

By Anonymous - 18/04/2015 16:45 - United States - Oakland

Today, I went to the dentist for the first time in years. His first comment upon inspecting my teeth: "Meth. Hell of a drug." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 016
You deserved it 11 605

Same thing different taste


ladyg228 15

YDI for not taking better care of your teeth! You only need them to eat for the rest of your life *no biggie* ???

AHzulu 25

#39, That's not the point...

#39 that is like saying that it is okay for people to lose any of their appendages because they make prosthetics.

Two possible scenarios: 1. YDI - for not maintaining dental hygiene. 2. YDI - for drugs.

I know this guy named Walter if ever you need me to hook you up!

All jokes aside though, thats really low of your dentist OP. Don't let him get you down!

At first, I was like "YDI, OP" but now, thinking it over, I'm wondering if lack of dental insurance played a part in this.

I go to the dentist every once in a long while but its still possible to have nice white teeth through proper care (flossing, brushing, etc.) without going to the dentist. YDI for not taking better care of your teeth even without the dentist.

As I explained below, I'm in the same boat with the insurance and I'm making extra effort to ensure nothing like this happens until then. Still a YDI if that's the case.

What happens when you don't go to the dentist every 6 months for cleaning

People without insurance can't afford this. Should still take care of your teeth regardless.

KeannaLove 32

#17- no this is what happens when you neglect your teeth. I'm 23 and I have only gone to the dentist a handful of times in the last ten years. To this day I have never had a cavity and the only teeth pulled were my wisdom teeth.

Be true to your teeth and they won't be false to you. The FML *implies* OP doesn't smoke meth. However, that actually means she deserves it more, not less. What could you have done to make yourself look like you have meth mouth? answer: something you know you shouldn't have, you filthy beast. YDI.

They could have a degenerative disorder that decays their mouth no matter what they do. My father had to have his entire jaw reconstructed and all his teeth pulled and sockets put in because of his genetics. I've never had a cavity in my life but I am starting to get the same symptoms of bone decay that my father did. Don't judge before you know. Maybe OP has really bad dental hygiene or maybe they are one of the 'lucky' few with the genetics that destroy their teeth.

SweetIam 12

Take care of your teeth! Not something you want to take for granted..

tehdarkness 21

I don't know if he's right and you are or have been a meth head. You should take better care of your teeth either way. Going to the dentist is a good first step!