How soon is now?

By Grandmas lost it - 28/08/2013 04:48 - United States - Staten Island

Today, I turned around after loading the washing machine to discover my husband's 89-year-old grandmother dropping her pants. She looked at me and said, "I hope you don't mind but when you got to go, you got to go." She then sat down on the toilet and let out a loud, long fart. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 890
You deserved it 3 549

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is EXACTLY why I have a separate laundry room. No one ***** where I clean my clothes. No one.

I can understand that not wanting to be something to see on your top 10 list, but if she had to go, that's still better than in her pants. ;P


let time take its toll. before you know it you'll be the one incapable of holding in your bodily fluids and sharting in front of your daughter in law. hopefully she take it better than you did.

DKjazz 20

Actually it was the husband's grandmother, which almost makes it worse! By the way what would you call her? A grandmother-in-law?

I think so, yeah. If not just a "husband's grandmother."

Ahaha. I almost read that as sitting on the washing machine!

Nolonger 11

That stinks for you! That was a terrible pun.

What is your laundry machine doing in the same room as your toilet anyway..?

Oh my! My imagination raced until you said, "toilet." Whew! The fart? That's long as Grammy wasn't dropping trou and taking a squat on the laundry room floor.

Your laundry and bathroom are the same room? Crazy design there.

elizacandle 29

Still a better love story than Twilight

At least it was on the toilet and not on your bed. Bright Sides.