Hormonal hell

By Anonymous - 05/08/2020 23:02

Today, someone drank a sip of my single serve pasteurized orange juice and put it back in the fridge, ignoring the whole jug of non-pasteurized juice, that I cant drink because im pregnant. I cried. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 487
You deserved it 249

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Put some Vodka in it. That way it will take the edge off and also disinfect your juice.

It is not safe for pregnant women to drink un-pasteurized juice


Is it possible it was an error? And that’s why it was only a sip? If it’s that important to you then buy an ample supply so that “a sip” isn’t as notable. Just be sure to actually drink whatever amount you buy.

It's your fault. All you have to do is write "Covid-19 Positive" on your shit and no one will touch it! Rookie mistake to donate your food to the anarchy of a public fridge without marking it.

Put some Vodka in it. That way it will take the edge off and also disinfect your juice.

Mathalamus 24

You can’t drink alcohol when pregnant.

Put if she spikes her OJ, the thief will get drunk at work and get fired. Meanwhile, hide your OJ in a bottle labeled "Breast Milk."

I totally get it, OP. My second kiddo was born in November. I had been craving eggnog the last few months of my pregnancy. The manager of that department had given me a date of when it was supposed to come in. I eagerly went to store on that day, only to find there was no eggnog, and that he had been mistaken about the date. I cried in the middle of the store.

vbychkova 13

What’s wrong with you? Drink the darn orange juice!!! Did it come from a covid positive orange that it needs to be pasteurized?

It is not safe for pregnant women to drink un-pasteurized juice

However did the human race survive until the invention of pasteurisation?

rotflqtms_ 21

Then buy all of your juice pasteurized and stop buying single serve ones... buy the full sized ones and tell your family not to drink from the bottle. Tell em to use a cup. (Assuming this happened in your house with your husband and kids)