Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to

By Anonymous - 05/08/2020 20:02

Today, during a deep conversation with my girlfriend of 6 months, I asked her if the guy she had cheated on me once with a few months back had a bigger “tool” than me. She said yes. So I asked, "How much bigger are we talking about?" Her response was "Probably like twice the size." FML
I agree, your life sucks 903
You deserved it 3 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thatkorean 5

You deserve it for asking. And if it now makes you uncomfortable then break up. You’re obviously not over it and haven’t fully forgiven her anyways. Better to leave and take care of yourself and your happiness than be with a cheater.

Man, some questions shouldn’t be asked.


thatkorean 5

You deserve it for asking. And if it now makes you uncomfortable then break up. You’re obviously not over it and haven’t fully forgiven her anyways. Better to leave and take care of yourself and your happiness than be with a cheater.

Man, some questions shouldn’t be asked.

1. She cheated on you once, she'll do it again. 2. Never ask for comparisons to your significant other's previous partners. Thatiterally asking to get your feelings hurt. 3. Asking that shows you're insecure about your relationship and sex life...not a good sign for the longevity of your relationship.

You should never ask a question unless you can handle all of the possible replies. I don't understand why you pressed for the follow-up. The fact that she's back with you means one of three things: 1) She couldn't land Mr. Big Dick, 2) your **** is good enough or 3) she's hanging on to you until another big dick comes her way. Now, chew on that!

Elisabetha Aarron 18

They could still be screwing the other guy behind the OP's back. I do agree that the OP's partner will most likely leave when they find someone else or they get the people they are currently cheating on them with to commit

I'm just wondering why he thinks a conversation about the difference in his dick size and the dick size of the other dude is deep conversation 🤔

malicemassacre 18

I always look forward to your funny comments but this one I actually agree with you and your advice lol

Aiden89 23

Somethings are better left a mystery

samomaha 17

You're awfully interested in another man's tool.

If you don't want to know the answer, don't ask the question.

Elisabetha Aarron 18

You 10000% deserved this. Also why did you stay? How do you know they are still cheating behind your back?

Jeremy Strang 7

Don't worry dude, you're still the biggest tool around.