Heartless swine

By Anonymous - 15/09/2015 05:56 - United States

Today, I had sex with my boyfriend for the first time. Afterwards, I got up to get some water. When I stood up, I fell straight to the ground, my legs were so weak. As I fell, I hit my head on the end table and knocked myself unconscious. My boyfriend laughed at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 009
You deserved it 4 378

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aspen_Grace33 27

Guess he was just that good in bed!!! On a more serious note, I'm hoping you're doing well.

he was probably just proud of himself that he could do that? I guess I'm trying to see the positive side of this


On the upside, he made your legs weak. On the downside, potential concussions suck. Hope you're doing better OP!

How did you know he was laughing if you were unconscious?

At least you had sex so banging that you fell to the ground...

dyscomonkee 12

something tells me this is the boyfriend posting for an ego boost.

Laughing at your head injury aside, sounds like he did his damn job the way a man is supposed to.

MacInCali 2

I've been on the pitching side of that situation. But you can't blame the wang