Alexa, play "Let's Get it On" by Marvin Gaye

By notsosexy - 18/07/2020 08:01

Today, I attempted to have amazing birthday sex with my boyfriend in his dorm room. Everything was going great until we tried switching positions. I hit my head so hard on the bunk above his bed that I gave myself a concussion, and blacked out. Needless to say, the moment was ruined. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 768
You deserved it 335

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time remember to practice safe sex.

Did your boyfriend and his roommate request bunk beds, or does he just attend a really cheap college that can't afford two single beds per dorm room? Either way, it wasn't a great idea to go for a ride on a bed that's got another bed above it. Might I suggest that you pull the mattress onto the floor the next time?


Next time remember to practice safe sex.

Did your boyfriend and his roommate request bunk beds, or does he just attend a really cheap college that can't afford two single beds per dorm room? Either way, it wasn't a great idea to go for a ride on a bed that's got another bed above it. Might I suggest that you pull the mattress onto the floor the next time?

A real man would have soldiered on and finished you off. No one wants birthday DSBs.

How old is this? Nobody has been in dorm rooms for months ...unless this is Liberty University. I’m telling Falwell Jr!!!