
By blue - 25/08/2012 21:59 - United Kingdom - London

Today, my swimming coach made us swim fifty laps non-stop as punishment for his previous class being unable to swim a drill properly. They're 8-11 year olds who are still learning to swim. I feel like my arms and legs are filled with lead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 230
You deserved it 2 355

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KingCeltic77 18

What an ass. Either way he's the teacher, it's his fault they can't swim.

ciumegu 6

Look on the bright side at-least you are building some muscle


Try a 500 fly in a heavily chlorinated indoor pool with a broken fan.

saviam 1

50 laps isn't that hard....

I'm a swimmer and 50 laps is absolutely nothing. Try 7,800 yards in a two hour practice following an hour boot camp 7 days a week.

Today for water polo we had a tuff game that lasted about 45 minutes and after the game our coach made us swim 40 laps. It hurts and everything but in the long run you'll be happy!

Weeeell at least your getting some exercise. His issue, but also now yours. Sucks bro

If these kids can't swim, then he's obviously a terrible swim coach

jersey89 1

Haha my couch use to make us do 72 laps warm up and cool down I know what you went through

From what the sports kids say while complaining about their coaches at my school, I'm going to guess the reasoning he told you went like this "My last class failed big time, and it mad me realize I haven't been doing a good enough job. I've been going too easy on them, and that means I've been going too easy on you. That changes today. Start swimming you (insert creative insult of your choice here)"

Well maybe u need to spoon your coach