
By blue - 25/08/2012 21:59 - United Kingdom - London

Today, my swimming coach made us swim fifty laps non-stop as punishment for his previous class being unable to swim a drill properly. They're 8-11 year olds who are still learning to swim. I feel like my arms and legs are filled with lead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 230
You deserved it 2 355

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KingCeltic77 18

What an ass. Either way he's the teacher, it's his fault they can't swim.

ciumegu 6

Look on the bright side at-least you are building some muscle


PrussiaisAwesome 15

My coach has always run woth us for cross country. It gets annoying when she says "I'm old and still faster than you turtles", but sad because she is right. :(

ObsessedWithGays 7

My gym coach yells at my class for being lazy, yet he's incredibly fat, he sits the entire time, and talks on his phone every 3 minutes. PSH.

Llama_Face89 33

Meh. Add another 16 lengths and make it a mile.

RealTalk0 7

God, I'd be more worried that my lungs would explode rather than my limbs feeling like lead..either way FYL OP.

My coach says that if we cant do two laps without breathing it's 250 crunches. If we don't streamline, 100 pushups. He's psycho.

titsnotcalm 4

Wait what the hell? That was an ass move. How the hell is it your fault that his last class didn't do well, 50 ******* laps is intense, I can't even do 5 nonstop ._.

I'm probably gonna get disliked to hell but that's actually not that hard. But your coach is a total dick for punishing you for something that isn't your fault.

Yeah, there are worse forms of punishment. 50 laps isn't bad.

I don't get why people are saying you deserve this. You couldn't change it. Sorry OP. :(

Of course OP deserved it...(s)he's on a swim team. The coach's job is to make them a better swimmer. What kind of professional swimmer can't handle 50 laps...? A loser. OP's coach is just trying to make them a winner ;)

Perdition25 12

People say the OP deserved it because they are morons.

It's good for you though. You figure that out when you are in the Olympics