Grow up

By phreshrice - 07/04/2009 21:41 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me, because apparently I need to "grow up". He's the one who excessively plays Call of Duty and still has Pokémon and Bionicles in his room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 966
You deserved it 22 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dude, your boyfriend broke up with you and you posted a whiney FML about it? Who -really- needs to grow up?

Yep, you definately need to grow up. There's nothing wrong with playing video games and having 'collectables' (aka Toys) as long as they don't take over your life. Your childish reaction to this breakup shows me that you need to grow up regardless if he does or not.


Seriously; if you're response is, "You're telling me to grow up? You're the one with toys!" it shows that he's probably right. Enjoying childish things doesn't make someone a child; whining on the internet however can be fairly damning in that respect.

omglolydi 0

By "grow up" he probably means "lose weight"

Maybe he's got a future ahead of him as a Pokemon Master and you just didn't understand.

Lmao, everyone needs to chill out. She got dumped. No reason for such criticism :P I doubt any of you even know her at all and your making such assumptions. But ya, I like pokemon they coool :) FYL tho

It's called a hobby. Heard of it? Dunno about Bionicles, but as for the Pokemon, some adults enjoy the games, just not for the same reasons that kids do. (OMGWTFBBQ!111!!! I GOT LIEK, 123832483 LEGENDARIES) Lol, #25.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA owned! Guys, she is not whining or complaining. She is sharing the ****-ness of her life with other people. That's what this site is about lol

Killerblonde41 2

yeah but there's nothing wrong with call of duty, it's very fun

My bf told me the same thing...I was like 16 at the time and he was going into college. I was having serious issues with my mother and he couldn't understand why I was so high strung and easily angered. Yeah and he goes to college and has the balls to admit to kissing another girl while up there...yet when I can't trust him, I'm the immature one. Yah, ok. I can't judge from the info you gave cuz I know a lot of guys who game (my current fiance included), doesn't mean they're immature...oh well. Find someone else, might have better luck. =P

Call of Duty might be the GREATEST thing to happen to video games. But Pokemon and the other thing, ill give you that.

rttr 18

You do always fail. Cod is just mindless killimg, there is no advancement at all. The plots rarely change. It is pretty much the same guns, and they screw up graphics, etc.

Thejackel79 9

Actually if we are going to talk about the greatest thing that would have to be Nintendo who was the biggest contributor to saving thr industry back in the 80s.