By K - 16/02/2011 02:40 - United States

Today, I got a second notice from the mailman that my mail would not be delivered because of the pile of ice a plow had pushed in front of my mailbox. After getting the first notice, I'd spent an hour in the cold busting up the ice with a pick to clear a path. He put both notices in my mailbox. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 540
You deserved it 2 824

Same thing different taste

Top comments

krazy_glu3 0

leave a note inside your mailbox saying 'while you are putting another notice in my mailbox, could you also slip in my mail too?'

FYLDeep 25

That's lame. Just put the mail in the box, asshole mailman.


scottovious 0
FYLDeep 25

That's lame. Just put the mail in the box, asshole mailman.

blondebrunette11 4

(6) hahaha get it? caz it was ice blocking the mailbox....and the OP was havin to dig through the snow and ice to get it! so it was COLD. hahahahahaha...ha?....haaaa....uh too soon? alrighty then-.- ...k bye

krazy_glu3 0

leave a note inside your mailbox saying 'while you are putting another notice in my mailbox, could you also slip in my mail too?'

call the post office and report him than

whoisthisgirl 4

agreed why complain on the Internet when you could probably just get the bastard fired lol

Tyme89 0

Your comment : why should the mailman have risk his life just for you! its simple shovel and you get mail. No shovel, No mail. Its not like your the only person they deliever too they get this crap from other people too! you do their job for one day and youll see

krazy_glu3 0

somebody must know a mailman... sticking up for em preeeetty hardcore. but yeah I know that they deliver to a ton of other people, plus getting out of their vehicle wastes time... but I mean,.. driving up to a mailbox, opening mailbox, sticking correct mail in mailbox, closing mailbox.... what's so difficult about that?

Are you blind, illiterate, or both? The mailman put the notices in the mailbox, so it's obviously accessible. The mailman sounds like a lazy pieve of shit. He isn't risking his life, unless OP puts a rabid chihuahua in the mailbox.

krazy_glu3 0

but if the chihuahua ISNT rabid... it's ok right?? otherwise I miiiight need to go take something out of my mailbox.....

FYLDeep 25

I'm the one who put the rabid chihuahua in there actually.

retrospect 5
blondebrunette11 4

33- ...also a therapist and/or counselor as a second job

Tyme89 0

Your comment : ps. there isnt any point in reporting him because they are just going to defend their workers .My mom is a mail lady i know!

if they screw up enough or do anything wrong your damn right it will don't be so ignorant you know nothing

lendalynn 5
amberv61 22

#12 I went and complained to the post master because my mailman continuously delivered all my mail to my neighbor (who always threw my mail away instead of walking over the couple of yards and giving it to me). Not only was my mailman in major trouble with the post master but my mail is not being delivered to my neighbor anymore

jennybenny318 0

That's not ur fault. Stupid Plowright guy! That's what the Plow guy does to my mailbox so I just call the post office for them to hold it till I can come and pick it up.