Great, thanks, I hate you

By Anonymous - 08/09/2010 18:09 - Greece

Today, my family and I attended a pool party. I never learned to swim, so I didn't bring a suit. When someone asked why I wasn't in the pool, my sister replied in a loud voice, "She's on her period and didn't want the pool to get dirty!" Thanks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 236
You deserved it 4 690

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aww. :/ I'm not trying to be mean by saying this, but you should probably take some swimming lessons. It'll help, I promise!

omfgrofl1337 0


Learn to swim & you wont have that problem.

LOVEisLIFE1606 0

You don't bleed when you're in the water..

That doesn't mean the pool can't get dirty. You still have to get IN the water, you know. And it doesn't always work, I think. Like in the shower, where there's no 'constant' water.

beatdownbarbie 5

So? My grandmother doesn't know how to swim but she still floats perfectly fine. If you're to embarrassed to say you can't swim, just float on a noodle and say you're relaxing in the shallow end. Where you can touch...

Um is the entire pool more than 4 ft deep? Can you not wade in the shallow end? Ydi for not even brining a swimsuit to at least look like you belong there.

It's pathetic that you don't know how to swim. What if you have a child someday and you can't save it from drowning?

FYL because you couldn't even admit the real reason anonymously online. You're too fat and didnt want to wear a bathing suit. because even if you cant swim you can hang out by the pool, or stand waist deep in the shallow end. so ya, i call BS.

xxreikoxx 31

Some of these comments are ridiculous. Has it ever occurred to any of you that OP might have a reason for never learning how to swim? I'm not sure if the sister meant well with her comment or not, but it's equally embarrassing. I'm sorry, OP. :(